About the Deus. I'm an American who lives in Holland, and been searching for more than 25 years, starting off when someone gave ! me a detector, I think it was a Compass. Over the years I have had many brands and detectors, including Whites (xlt's, water pi's, TM80

, Minelab (RelicHawk,Sovereign), Tesoro (Relic Hawk, 3x Lobo's where 2 of them were improved by myself in two different ways), Silver uMax, Silver Sabre), Garrett (GTI 1500), and the past few years with XP detectors (GoldMaxx, GMP, Deus). After searching with the first GMaxx I traded in all my other detectors (saved one Lobo for reserve) for a GMaxxPower and have used that for about 4 years now. A few months ago I ordered an Deus, and had to wait quite some time before I received it. I traded in my reserve Lobo (with this detector I had found many many wonderful finds here in Europe) and have used it now twice. Both times I tried it out on one of the standard programs (Deus Plus) and on fields where I have not found much at all for the past few years with the GMP. I did find many coins and relics with the new Deus, so I am not going to cut it. You need to try it first to be able to comment about it. I am pleased with it in many ways, one because I am getting up there in the years and its very light! (I use the GMP on my hip and don't notice any difference with the Deus).
There are good points and points I would like to be improved. For instance, I have good headphones for my GMP, expensive but very sharp and clear. I have tried in the past two years about 4 brands of wireless headphones, and traded in or sold each one. Just not clear enough for me. The Deus is improved very much with the headphones, and I will accept them. I think though, if I am in a very clear area (such as places in England, out of the way and where I have found bronze age relics) I would still put on my own headphones and use them (there IS a connector for that, its a small banana plug and located on the remote control, which is very light on you hip if you want to use it that way. BTW, for those that don't know it yet, the search electronics are located in the coil, along with a sealed in battery. The coil is not very heavy either. To set the Deus up you use the remote control unit, or the headphones (there is a small led display there with controls). After you start the system up you can just put the headphones on and put the remote control away if you want. You don't need them anymore. You can mount the remote control on the stem, it has a magnet in the stem to hold it in place, or put it in the leather pouch on your belt, or in your pocket. Like I mention, once you set up which settings you will use you don't need the remote control anymore, you can turn it off. You can control everything with the headset. There is also a loud speaker in the remote control, so if you don't want to use the wireless headphones you can just use the remote control and loudspeaker and turn the headphones off.
There are many programs and settings on the Deus, since I have only used the one program and not changed any settings yet (just learning) I can't say how they work or what they do. I do like the detector. A new detector for me, before I become what I think is an expert with a detector at least a year has passed. When I do get to know what sounds to look for its easy. I have not used a display since my XLT days, and don't really need them. But now I have a display I have tried to associate the numbers with the finds I have found ( I dig every signal with a new detector until I am 100% sure that its iron or not a good find) and do enjoy guessing what the find is going to be before I get it out of the ground. Coins, well I don't really look at the readings at all. Just like the GM and the GMpower before the Deus, I know what the detector is telling me immediately, and know its a coin. The XP's know how to tell us when a coin is found, that is for sure.
So I am just an beginner with the Deus and will try to remember to write again over a few months. In September we go again (12th year running) with our club of 4 guys, and that will be interesting. 2 of us now have Deus, the other just loves it and has traded in his GMP for it. It is expensive, but all the detectors are expensive over here. Most of the time I buy my detectors in California when I visit there, they are very very cheap compared to here.
What would I change.
-The remote control. It attaches to the stem via an magnet (magnet in the stem, nickel plated iron in the control. My problem has been that if you are around trees or shrubs and happen to rotate and the remote hits a limb, it can fall off. Yes, there is an attachment cord (fast release) that is provided
for that case, but still its not nice. Of course if its a large limb its great, the remote won't get hurt (very much), but for small branches the magnet could have been stronger. Another time that it falls off is when I am digging a find and put the detector down to dig in tough soil, get the clump out and pick up the detector by the stem to see if the find is out of the hole, almost every time I bump it against my arm and it falls off. Also, even with the cord, I search quite a bit of the canals here in Holland, and many have a very steep side to them. Its scary to think what would happen if the remote would fall off even with the cord, I could not save it from swimming!
-The headphones. They are flimsy for sure, it took me some time to get used to them (mechanically). The volume and clearness is OK for sure, but I am used to good headphones, with which I do not hear outside noises (much that is) and can concentrate on the MD's sounds. With these I cannot shut off the sounds of tractors, airplanes, and my buddies singing when they detect (ha!). The control part HAS been made to detach from the headphones body, so I am pretty sure that XP will come with a normal good headset where you can insert the control into it. Otherwise I will build it into one of my spare headphones.
-When you initially turn on the Deus (first the remote) the remote asks if you want to use the loudspeaker, if you answer no it transmits to the headphones. Then you turn on the headphones. I would just change the default, no question, always use the headphones. If you do want to use the loudspeaker you could go to the menu on the remote control and turn it on (and the headphones out).
Anyway, this message is way too long. Sorry about that!