I just spent some time in the manual, and cannot find anything remotely confirming your two frequency allegation. "Weighting" of certain frequencies are implemented in certain modes, but nothing to substantiate only two frequencies in Multi-IQ. See page 29 of the manual for Multi-IQ explained. The graphic of blending of 5 kHz and 10 kHz frequencies might be used to support your argument, but that’s proved false as soon as you see that 10 kHz is blended by both 5 & 15 kHz. Personally, I’ll take the manual explanation over third party individuals.
FWIW, I own both Equinox machines and love them to pieces. Also own all three coils. They are currently pouting in the closet because I got on the list for a Legend Pro. Why? Because I can!

I’ve been waiting patiently for a new toy with serious capabilities to learn and play with, and Legend appears to offer that challenge. No…I’m not selling anything, just adding to the herd.