...He goes ON;AND ON;AND ON:clsoedeyes:about how rotten his wife and kids are to him;kids wont listen to him;cant say or do ANYTHING without friction
..ad infinitum,ad nauseum
uke:...The other dept.he was in,his co-workers got so sick of listening to him,managment sat him down and flat-out told him LEAVE YER HOME PROBLEMS AT HOME,DO YER JOB AND KEEP YER MOUTH SHUT...I told him last night LOOK-YOU are the only one that can do ANYTHING about it-DO something aboutit;or LIVE WITH IT... By the way;this man is a Christian;and doesnt seem to get the message he is starting to affect the others'peace of mind around him(MINE;to be exact
).To be trurhful;its almost funny to hear his constant sniveling-And;it makes me think about how good I got it with my wife