This mindset, "subsistence hunting" is a throwback to when we were all hunter/gatherers...deep in the amygdala of our reptilian brain lays the driver...the NEED/URGE to hunt that drives us...
Think about a killer whale, they know where their targets will be, and they show up and get them and seem to have a lot of fun in the process...Thats the thing, a person CAN evaluate each location, distance/weather time of year, and hit an area serious to clean it out in as short a time possible. How does a guy know if he did good? The ROI...the value of goods harvested per time/energy expended...and that is FUN!
This sport is very similar to trapping, example: You know of a swamp full of muskrats, you know theres probably 50 in there, rats bring lets say 5.00 each, and the place is 20 miles away...
20 miles = 40 rd trip= 2gal/fuel, 1hr travel, = cost of 8.00/1hr
1 rat = 5.00, and equates to 1hr total effort, set,catch,skin, make this run have the best ROI, a guy has to time it to the weather, and get as many as possible in as few trips as possible to offset expenses.
Now, where theres rats, (clad) theres generally mink, (jewelry) so thats a bonus,...50 rats =250.00 done in two days, - (50 rats,16.00 fuel, miles traveled,=80 52hrs effort) 125.00/day less expenses)...done in 4days,(50rats, 32.00 fuel, 160 miles, 54hrs)..62.50/day less expenses).and add to that the wasted time covering the same ground, so the effort and the expenses can compound into huge loss of ROI very quickly...
Unlike trapping, detecting offers no clear visual way of evaluating the possible ROI of an area, a few exceptions sure, but generally a guy has to stop and swing for a while and evaluate the finds. Either stay there or move to a more target heavy environment..
So to make a 40 mile detecting run on an instinct, by using the satellite images to show you where theres a school, a guy has to at least get his gas money back! So a fellow plots a route, and times it by the weather, and hits it serious to get that 8 bucks back, has a backup makes for a more strategic way of approaching our sport and makes a guy get real good, real fast at reading an area for potential ROI....Its a way of compressing time, and if for nothing else other than the Wife not even knowing you are gone, thats a good thing!
Think about a killer whale, they know where their targets will be, and they show up and get them and seem to have a lot of fun in the process...Thats the thing, a person CAN evaluate each location, distance/weather time of year, and hit an area serious to clean it out in as short a time possible. How does a guy know if he did good? The ROI...the value of goods harvested per time/energy expended...and that is FUN!
This sport is very similar to trapping, example: You know of a swamp full of muskrats, you know theres probably 50 in there, rats bring lets say 5.00 each, and the place is 20 miles away...
20 miles = 40 rd trip= 2gal/fuel, 1hr travel, = cost of 8.00/1hr
1 rat = 5.00, and equates to 1hr total effort, set,catch,skin, make this run have the best ROI, a guy has to time it to the weather, and get as many as possible in as few trips as possible to offset expenses.
Now, where theres rats, (clad) theres generally mink, (jewelry) so thats a bonus,...50 rats =250.00 done in two days, - (50 rats,16.00 fuel, miles traveled,=80 52hrs effort) 125.00/day less expenses)...done in 4days,(50rats, 32.00 fuel, 160 miles, 54hrs)..62.50/day less expenses).and add to that the wasted time covering the same ground, so the effort and the expenses can compound into huge loss of ROI very quickly...
Unlike trapping, detecting offers no clear visual way of evaluating the possible ROI of an area, a few exceptions sure, but generally a guy has to stop and swing for a while and evaluate the finds. Either stay there or move to a more target heavy environment..
So to make a 40 mile detecting run on an instinct, by using the satellite images to show you where theres a school, a guy has to at least get his gas money back! So a fellow plots a route, and times it by the weather, and hits it serious to get that 8 bucks back, has a backup makes for a more strategic way of approaching our sport and makes a guy get real good, real fast at reading an area for potential ROI....Its a way of compressing time, and if for nothing else other than the Wife not even knowing you are gone, thats a good thing!
