Critterhunter - I'd like to reply to some of your points. I should say I'm a bit mixed in what I feel, but the weight thing is what got me and I know they had to do that if they wanted it to be a water machine. I guess most of us would have liked an E-Trac replacement that was water resistant, a bit deeper, faster, etc. Perhaps that still happens. They probably are releasing their top machine first and then maybe we'll see more later?
Regarding your features comment. I had a V3i and though I felt comfy with it, it had way too many settings for most people and it did make you feel like "Did I have this set up as best I could?" upon leaving a site. But the GPS thing and Mapping thing aren't really the same. I bet the base features (settings) are like the E-Trac, and that don't get any easier. I mean you can use the E-Trac right out of the box and get deep. Fine tuning doesn't add much from what I have seen, read and tested. The GPS might be good for certain people and I agree, it is not that fine "accurate" to military reasons. But, for guys that hunt fields, perhaps it's enough in the sense of overall areas. I am not really disagreeing with you on this point. The mapping thing could be nice for prospectors (but this machine is not great on gold I'm assuming) and people who like to hunt away from crowds. Sort of like a bonus I think.
Is BBS really deeper than FBS? What is the drawback, less discrimination capabilities? (I have to read the paper from Candy - it's downloaded ;-)
Never doubt what improvements can be made on technology. Look at the Blisstools depth and it is just VLF. There looks to be a VERY LARGE battery on the back of the unit. If so, why? I say it's for more than the GPS and color screen. I think they are pumping more energy into the unit to max out the depth. Maybe they at least give you that option - like a Tx Boost or the like.
Regarding processing speed - It is much more than how fast you can swing the coil. It has a lot to do with separation - though I know we are a bit limited by the way Minelab process the signals differently. I imagine Minelab got better separation by doing this yet remaining within their time domain (or whatever you call it) way of processing the signals.
Regarding your unmasking comment - I'd just say see the processing speed comment. We really don't know. Remember,
they are a large company, very unlike the other detecting companies. They have made A LOT OF MONEY from their gold machines and government contracts. I think they also have some pride. I think the technology from their can easily be integrated here. Just speculation, but seems pretty obvious to share technology across platforms. (I know the car companies do the same. It is just more cost effective.)
Hey, I enjoyed reading your mini book. For sure it's an exciting time when a field leader comes out with a new machine. Lots of wishes, complaints, speculations, etc.