can'tremember said:
On that note, I hunt with guys that swing F75's and T-2's. We have hunted directly under power lines, in city trash lots, and they had no trouble finding stuff... good stuff I might add.
I'm suprised at comments like this - especially if the recommendation is to use the 11" DD. Maybe your trashy environments are different than my trashy ones
It's true that you can increase the discimination on the F75 and decrease the gain and obtain a quiet
ER detector (even under power lines haha) but both significantly effect depth. Anyone who's hunted with the F75 has found that it's a bit of a metal detecting anomaly because it does better in trash the
hotter you set it. The tight footprint of the eliptical DD and the
slower swing speed required
because of the higher gain allow you to do better in trash. The lower the gain the faster you have to swing to get depth (easy to demonstrate to yourself in air tests) - unfortunately the faster you swing the more likely the "good" targets become part of the noise of the trash. Even if you use your Jedi detecting powers and pick that good target amongst the trash and EMI noise, you're so worn out from the mess of tones (and they are the MOST abrasive tones of any manufacturer), you're tired of detecting in 2 hours.
If you "crank it up" to allow a slower swing speed and still get
some depth you become more susceptible to EMI (as well as a propensity to detect the smallest bits of trash IE: flecks of foil, earring backs, jewelers screws, etc. - causing even more noise).
I can slow way down (1/5 of the speed) with an Explorer and pick through the trash with the Pro coil while not losing any depth. You can wiggle the coil over a 10" coin and still get a signal in trash. That's not possible with the F75 because a fast swing speed is needed - AND the TID is only accurate with a full pass of the coil in trash.
Now with the 4X6 (and probably the 5" DD), you can do amazing things in the same trashy environment. I've found the 4X6 allows you to max out the settings in areas where you significantly lower those same settings with the 11" DD. You can easily get 8" with it and in trash.
Wayne - if you're seriously looking for a detector to use in trash then I'd recommend hooking up with a club and trying a few. If you were just curious - then you're probably no closer to an answer than when you posted the question