...thanks to all of you for your patience while I was keeping the boards hot with my GTA 1250. It has now gone to a fellow in NJ - best of skill to him!
I am halfway to my goal of a Cortes. I have wanted to come back to detecting for awhile and to do so with Tesoro. If anyone knows where a nice used Cortes can be had(other than Mr. Black's! - what a gracious guy... <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> good thing MOST 'tectorists are like him. Too bad we cant say the same for all of our fellow air breathers...) please let me know.
Good skill and HH
I am halfway to my goal of a Cortes. I have wanted to come back to detecting for awhile and to do so with Tesoro. If anyone knows where a nice used Cortes can be had(other than Mr. Black's! - what a gracious guy... <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
Good skill and HH