Possible the Goldfield, but I'd like to see a little more sensitivity, and as mentioned, to also work in the other modes the same way. That would be great.
it Took me a bit to understand what was going on with the Threshold, and I do not know for sure but I think you may be thinking just like I was about the threshold in the Legend
There are two different types of threshold that the Legend is running, one is pretty much useless in my opinion and the other is what we are all accustomed too
The Threshold in park,field and beach utilize what is known as a (Reference) threshold, a reference threshold alerts you when you have swept your coil over a discriminated target by giving you a little blip tone, for me personally if I have a target discriminated I could care less if I know it is there or not, I find the threshold in park,field and beach pretty useless, and this is just my opinions of course.
The Threshold in the Gold Mode is totally different from the threshold in park,field, and beach, the threshold in gold mode is what we are all accustomed too and is called a (TRUE THRESHOLD), a True Threshold will Null or Blank out when you sweep your coil over a target alerting you that you have passed your coil over a target that should be investigated the True Threshold is vary vary useful when using it, because that slight null or blanking alerts you of targets that are too deep to give you a audio response, this is vary useful when you are detecting for small sub gram deeper gold pickers,
set Correctly the True Threshold can actually increase the depth a detector see's a target, and quite the opposite if you set the threshold too low you can miss targets that you want to dig and if you set the threshold too high the threshold can actually mask targets because of the threshold being set to loud.