If I am searching ONLY for coins that are relatively shallow or in favorable ground, I might rely a bit more on the numeric VDI or TID segments/icons, but when the goal is to recover silver and gold jewelry, in all sorts of sizes and shapes and such, then TID is just an interesting feature more than a rock-solid tool. I rely only on hearing a good or recoverable audio hit and then I retrieve the target.Jimbog said:But it seems like the only gold rings I would find would be no more than 3 inches.
Most of the gold rings, bracelets, ear studs and other gold items since march have come by way of using a Teknetics Omega. Earlier than that and going back to last fall, the White's MXT was the clear winner on nabbing those finds as it was in my hand the most. While some Tesoro's worked well for me, as well as the XLT's I've owned or the XL Pro's, since about '96/'97 the White's Classic III SL or later the Classic ID or IDX Pro models were the champs and gave me very good audio responses on gold jewlelry.
For me TID is a nice tool to help cut down digging zinc pennies so I can spend more time looking for something more worthwhile. I find the V3 is excellent in identification with the color display and number system and sound. I have dug a lot of items I thought were trash just to double check and have found it to be pretty accurate.
First comment. A ring that is 'fresh buried" at 5" can be a challenge for many detectors on the market, especially if you're banking on a good visual TID. Even a 'proper' audio Tone ID. But if you want a good 'beep' from it, that ought to be doable if the settings and coil presentation are functional.Jimbog said:I just picked up a used Tejon. I buried a womans wedding band set (engagement + plain band soldered together) 5 inches in my yard. I tried the V3i and MXT with the 300, 10DD, 950 and 6x10 coils and none of them would hit on the ring and any descrimination mode. I had to go to relic or prospecting mode.
You say you tried the V3i and MXT with all the available coils you had and none of them would hit on the ring "and any discrimination mode." That you then went to the Relic or Prospecting mode. Well, the Relic and Coin Hunting 'modes' with the MXT are using the same Discriminate adjustment range and ought to have performed quite similar so you lost me on that statement. You didn't mention just what mode and what Discriminate setting or what Sensitivity/Gain setting you used with those models, either.
With the MXT, especially, I usually hunting in the Coin & Jewelry mode but occasionally used the Relic mode when I wanted to just rely on the Iron/Non-iron audio difference in audio tone. Discrimination was usually set at the lower factory preset marker and I didn't have a bit of trouble signaling on gold rings and such.
I used C&J both from the factory and custom programs (Fox's V3). The MXT disc was at 3. On the Tejon I set the first disc at Foil and the second at Tabs. The ring hit equally loud and clear on both at both locations. In my yard the White's were silent in C&J mode even with sens and TX boost on the V3. At the school yard the White's were scratchy at best (scrubbing the ground) and quiet if the coil was an inch off the ground. That has me concerned.
If you set the detectors up, such as the MXT, so that you were only rejecting iron nails or less, and you had a proper Ground balance for the site, then a fresh-buried ring (laying flat to the surface?) at 5" could easily signal. Apparently it did, and THEN you referred to the visual Target ID.Jimbog said:Then they indicated Low Iron which I probably would have passed on. Same for the QXT Pro with a 950 coil.
Tone ID and visual TID can be fooled by targets in disturbed ground or possibly buried to a fresh depth where they might not process the audio all that well, and if they have Tone ID or visual, they can 'read' up-scale or, as you noted, down-scale form what you'd anticipate.
If I see a few good VDI hits on repeated sweeps and not very deep I normally dig since I have found it to help weed out the trash. The V3 makes a lot of targets a no brainer. On deeper targets I mainly listen to the audio from different directions and speeds and try to size it up.
First, what do you consider to be "good discrimination" on the TejJimbog said:However the Tejon hit the ring hard with good discrimination.