Let's all take the "high road" and say all hands involved are well intentioned and on the up an up with all bases covered and the SEF is as great as it is said to be and everyone wants one for their Tesoro. Back up a bit and consider just what then would you be expecting of Tesoro considering the whole matter. First off I would say under the circumstances, if you have 2 cents worth of loyalty and trust for Tesoro's ability and concern for safeguarding their product and customers (thats you, remember) you will consider what their position is /has been over all these many years, that has paid off in benefits far above any other Mfgs.Tesoro trusted Kellyco years ago and it proved to be a mistake. That speaks for itself, if you will listen ! Tesoro continues their policy of protection for their product and us.When/if Tesoro comes out with a situation for the possibility of, and a reccomendation for hooking me up with a SEF Coil on any of my Tesoros, then I will think on it. Untill then I will just have to do without. For those that must have a SEF, get yourself a machine, and coil from Kellyco, and your problem is solved. HH Charlie