The Cibola is identical to my Vaq with the exception of manual ground balance (external adjustment) and All Metal mode, so I did some quick testing to see if I could replicate your issue. From what I've been able to determine, this is most likely 'Auto Retune' rather than motion, although motion plays a part in this.
Set your your detectors threshold to an audible hum while pressing the pinpointing button. Now, while holding in the pinpointing button, put the crown a few inches from the coil, resting your hand/arm on the pole. This will insure you're 'stationary', and limit movement. Almost immediately. ...and if you're holding still. ...the detector should 'retune' to the audible threshold you initially set. Next, if you quickly move the crown outside the area of the coil, you will hear the detector go quiet momentarily, then retune back to the threshold. This lets you know that the detector WAS picking up the target, but that the auto tune feature adjusted the signal you were getting back to the threshold you initially set. Lastly. ...if it goes totally quiet when holding the crown stationary under the coil, that's another issue and most likely a problem for Tesoro to look at.
Auto Tune's big benefit is the ability to keep the threshold adjusted to your preferred setting, compensating for 'creep' or 'drift' when using the All Metal mode. This is something that occurs for a multitude of reasons (ground matrix change, shade to sun, etc), and was compensated on earlier models with a manual retuning button or toggle switch to 'retune'. Auto Tune's function is to continually analyze the matrix under the coil and make any adjustments necessary to keep the threshold at your setting. It does not however, react quickly enough to compensate for targets while sweeping, and minimal motion is all that is required while hunting to overcome it's affects.
Yes. ..motion is required to 'vary' the audible input you're getting when hunting or pinpointing targets. But, even without motion, you should still have audible over the target.'s just that Auto Tune is attempting to reset the signal to threshold, and if the target remains stationary under the coil long enough, it will.
Hope that helps-