You can do this the hard way or you can do this the easy way! Go ahead and think about it I'll wait until you make up your mind.
OK that's better, now lets get you headed down the golden path.
Step one: locate a target
Step two: Try to determine if it's a good target
Step three: try you very best to pinpoint the target in the center of your coil ( this can be done at the toe or at the heel of the coil
but to LEARN, use the center to start with. )
Step four: with the target under the center of your coil, place the toe of one of your feet just touching the rear of the coil ( you do have two
feet do you not ? ) Good were all glad to hear that, hard enough to do this with two let alone one.
Step five: with out moving your foot, replace your coil with the front lip of your scoop.
Step six: lean over the target pushing the handle of the scoop straight out from you at the same time so the basket is more straight up
an down to where the target is suppose to be.
Step seven: place your foot on the back of the scoop and push it down at least half it's length While pulling back on the handle then lift or
pull the scoop and it's load out of the bottom ( do not dump it out yet ).
Step eight: rescan the hole you just made. it you get a signal then dump out the scoop and repeat from step two.
I hope you already know that some targets will wash away as soon as you disturb them ( pull tabs, bobby pins, etc. )
or will fall through the holes in the scoop as fast as you put them in. That's why you want to try to ID the target to start with
if you can. Learn where your coil pinpoints first up on the wet sand with a test coin or ring then go in the water.