WaterHound said:
Wow that slippery talking sounds like the liberal news media , this really is not about your buddy tboykin who doesn't want to lose his job , its about a company bragging about how far they can drop a metal detector on the ground in their MX sport presentation video and then not covering everything on the warranty , is the bottom line that important, is this how their making some of the money back for the Electronics issues during the factory up date , by charging detectorist for arm cuffs , and use the very hard earned money of detectorist until they get it right , in my last post I said I was sorry for some of the things I've said and wanted to let it go , but you just won't let me will you ? definitely White's metal detectors could learn from Garrett's how to treat their customers my wife and I have realized that in america your gonna get ripped off , but its up to us on how much , who's running that company the clintons ?
The hit dog always yelps the loudest.
Being a “liberal” I can't be sure of what that phrase means, but it seemed to fit for some odd reason.
I am a Liberal in the sense that the founding fathers were, for the most part, Liberals themselves. Back then the term implied a belief in individual liberties and limited government; concepts that are foreign to today's so-called liberals (they're more aptly defined as Marxists of one stripe or another).
Blind, emotion-driven, bashing of American businesses is uniquely the realm of the left (liberals, as you call them). Those on the other side, of the political fence, tend to be supporters of American businesses and seldom, if ever, engage in emotionally-derived attacks against American businesses.
This isn't the proper venue for a political discussion: I'm merely attempting to explain why your synopsis (of my prior comments) is incorrect.
In my prior comments I made no judgment with regards to the way Whites handled complaints about the arm-cuff on their MX Sport. I did state my opinion on tboykin's responses to those complaints, and stand by my belief that he did a good job in a difficult situation. I really don't know what more could, reasonably, be expected from him.
I do not know tboykin. I've never met him, nor have I had a conversation with him. I have read some of his posts. Based upon those posts, I must consider him to be a rather astute young man, with a bright future ahead of him.
I did mention the fact that dealing with the public is often very frustrating; sometimes an exercise in futility as there are consumers who do not want a solution to the problems they are complaining about. That isn't an attack on your person, or even an attack upon difficult customers; it's simply an observation of fact.
Like it or not, money is the bottom line for any business. They either make money or they fold the business and close their doors. I don't see how that can bother anyone, given the fact that we consumers are also driven by the need for money. And it wouldn't matter if money were removed from the equation: both the consumer and the business would still be driven by the need to obtain the means of their survival.
Having purchased my own MX Sport only recently, I haven't had enough time with the machine to know whether there will be a problem with the arm-cuff. It seems to be solid in my opinion, but time will tell if that really is the case. If it does prove to be a problem, I will either find a means of fixing that problem or I will not.
At any rate, in spite of the fact that I have seen the video where the machine was dropped (on purpose) and claims made with regards to the durability of the machine. I do not take those claims to mean the machine is capable of surviving (completely intact) really rough use or treatment. That simply is not feasible in my opinion. I do take the claims to imply the capability (of the MX Sport) to survive the occasional mishap that will happen during the normal use of the machine.
Is the arm-cuff on the MX Sport faulty?
I don't know. It doesn't seem to be on my machine. Whatever the case, I have no doubt that Whites will, if there is an issue, make things right for the owner of that machine (if it is possible to do so).
I use Whites machines because I like them and I believe Whites customer service takes a backseat to nobody. One doesn't have to search very long to find glowing endorsements with regards to Whites customer service; there are thousands of said glowing endorsements and they represent only a small percentage of Whites customers who are extremely pleased with the service they have received.
I've also read many of your posts. I saw your post in which you bashed the MX Sport (prior to learning it) and seemingly hated the machine. I also saw subsequent posts in which you sang the praises of the same machine (claiming it superior to its competitors). And now you're bashing the company itself – for reasons that may/may not have validity.
It seems, to me anyway, that your emotions drive your posts. I am not troubled with the thought of you not being pleased with Whites – that is your decision to make. I did find some of your comments to be a bit disrespectful to tboykin and, more recently, to myself and others. That makes no sense to me because nobody has attacked you.
[Quote WaterHound]
...in my last post I said I was sorry for some of the things I've said and wanted to let it go , but you just won't let me will you ?[/quote]
Case in point: the little beauty quoted above.
You're attempting to assign responsibility to me, for your actions. You choose to make the comments you make. Nobody else is responsible for your statements. Nobody is forcing you to make those comments. You, alone, own your comments.
I can assure you of the fact that Whites would like to keep you as a customer. I can also assure you of the fact that Whites will – based on their long history of doing so – do what they can to rectify any problems you might have with their machines. My own opinion – I do not speak for Whites – is that you may be better off with Garretts (since you believe their service to be superior). There is nothing wrong with being a fan of Garretts – that is your choice (and the choice of many others). I'm just reminding you that Garretts doesn't make machines perfectly either.
Good luck whichever way you choose.