I suffered a heart attack last Thursday and didn't really know it until my family made me go in Saturday after our club hunt as i was in 2 hunts and had to quit before they were over as I couldn't breathe good and jaws were aching. At the EM they did a test and seen I had suffered a heart attack a few days earlier while I was cutting wood for the winter. I know I had some pains and short of breath and would rest for a while and go back cutting and be back resting within 5 minutes, then after a rest I couldn't walk the lenght of the pickup so I came home and rested for a good 3 hours before I could do much. I went to the hunt on Saturday and there just so happened to be a person that works in medical and told my wife to get me in as soon as possible to be checked out as he could see I was having a problem after 5 minutes detecting.
I had 3 stints put in back in 2006 is why I haven't posted much finds as I used to, but still get out a bit and get some nice finds too. Anyway the 3 Stints were in one arteries and now one is closed and the other 2 are blocked, so the other arteries is trying to do all the work as some small new arteries has routed itself over so we have to try to keep them open and get them to become bigger to handle the flow. I will be in Cardiac rehabilitation for 3 weeks then a stress test to see if it helped if not then we have to do a bypass which I hope we don't do. At this time I am unable to do much and that included detecting which I do love dearly, but as long as i can I will still be around the Findmall Forums reading how everyone is doing and trying to answer questions and with God help will be back detecting soon.
I had 3 stints put in back in 2006 is why I haven't posted much finds as I used to, but still get out a bit and get some nice finds too. Anyway the 3 Stints were in one arteries and now one is closed and the other 2 are blocked, so the other arteries is trying to do all the work as some small new arteries has routed itself over so we have to try to keep them open and get them to become bigger to handle the flow. I will be in Cardiac rehabilitation for 3 weeks then a stress test to see if it helped if not then we have to do a bypass which I hope we don't do. At this time I am unable to do much and that included detecting which I do love dearly, but as long as i can I will still be around the Findmall Forums reading how everyone is doing and trying to answer questions and with God help will be back detecting soon.