This last year has been extremely time consuming, but I managed to "escape" a few Saturdays, to Cape Cod, visiting Provincetown in particular. Some have read this before, My Father was born there in 1906. Spent most of his early years in the Coast Guard, mostly stationed at different Life Saving Stations or later as the name changed at Life Boat Stations. I have two Uncles and a few cousins still residing in Provincetown, so I make it a point to visit them, seeing they are both up there in age. I had planned a day trip December 12th. So at 4:30 a.m. I loaded up my three grandsons into the Suburban and headed thru Beantown, the South Shore, over the Cape Cod Canal, and a little over an hour later,once over the canal landed in Provincetown. (21/2 trip minimum with NO traffic.) As usual, I headed to Race Point to visit the dunes, and beach, at the old Race Point Coast Guard Station, now used by the National Seashore Rangers. It was extremely windy and cold at a little past seven a.m. but kids are kids, they wanted to walk down to the beach anyway!
It was a short walk, the wind was brutal, blowing right towards us, but it was long enough to pick up a little treasure...a washed up Lobster Pot Buoy. From there we drove into town, and found one of the few Coffee shops open. I need to mention Ptown is close to a ghost town in Winter! While sitting there sipping nice hot coffee, and the kids having a bacon/egg bagel sandwich, one of my cousins popped in to my surprise. We had a short conversation, being happy to run into each other. Getting close to 8 now, we drove a couple of blocks to my Uncle Clarence's business, Provincetown Welding. He resides across the street from his shop, a mere 30 second walk. As usual, he was sitting in his corner chair in the front of the Livingroom, where the Sun shines into shortly after Sunrise, catching the rays. My Uncle saw the 4 of us, and waved "come on in!"
Being Winter, his son Mike, who is constantly with him, is in Florida for most of the Winter. My cousin Kathy lives in town, may visit daily to check on her Dad, but isn't the same as when Mike is around. My Aunt Tillie passed away a few years ago, at age 90, so my Uncle lives alone. Visiting this time, made me think a little, he seemed lonely. I really never noticed, but that was because Mike was around. Uncle Clarence shines when Mike is around! He seemed happy to have three little boys playing in his living room, reminded him of when me and my brother Paul, were little when we visited as youngsters i guess. We were well behaved, as these three are, at least i think so!
We were having a pretty good conversation, and the 3 boys were enjoying the metal objects that my Uncle has around the livingroom, which each one is a work of art, he made and designed with his own hands, across the street in his shop...many years ago.. I need to mention, my uncle, unlike most people, thinks before speaking...each word or sentence thought out before you hear what he has to say...methodically.
I was surprised at what he shared with me, and it was special, really special i thought to share a moment that happened to him, this past Summer...
He started by saying...Ron, I was sitting on my back deck in the afternoon, with the Sun shining, and i was enjoying the warm breeze, when i happened to look down, and saw a large Bumble Bee, laying still on the deck. I looked at him,laying very still, and I knew he was exhausted. I watched for awhile, and the Bee didn't move, so I got a couple of small cards, and scooped him up, brought the bee into the kitchen. I layed him on the table, and then got a small cap, mixed a little bit of sugar with water, and put the Bee next to it. Believe it or not, the Bee appeared to be consuming the mixture. After a few minutes, he started to move, so I took him out, and layed him on the deck again. Within a few minutes, the Bee suddenly took off, and disappeared! Uncle Clarence continued....I sat on that deck for the next few days, enjoying the Sun. For three days in a row, a Bumble Bee would zoom in, at a high rate of speed, like he was going to fly into my face, when each time, the Bee would stop short maybe a foot from my face, and stare at me without moving in midair, and as quick as he came, he would take off at a right angle and disappear! I know it had to be the same Bee, and I think it may of been your Aunt Tillie keeping an eye on me!" "What do you think Ron?"
You know my reply?? "Uncle Clarence, I think you are right!"
Knowing my Uncle, and the way he thinks, there is no doubt in my mind he had to be right...who knows...... I thought this was one of the most precious moments we ever had together...and it is the first time, he ever let me know, without saying it, how much he really really misses my Aunt Tillie....By the way, Uncle Clarence is going on 94, and still going strong!
I hated to leave him that day, he really appreciated our company, and here I am, always worried about interrupting something, coming in unannounced... but i had to go, I still needed to visit my "younger" Uncle, Uncle Anthony, who is only 85!

Enjoy! RJ