Many years ago, probably back in the late 1980's, I located a battle site back on a ranch west of Leon Springs, Texas. I had spent the day riding a horse back in a remote area looking for stray mama cows and calves and was heading back home when I accidently found this site. It was late in the day and as I was moving the cow and calf ahead of me across a bluff, I noticed some rocks that seemed to be out of place. I made a mental note of the location and continued on my way...I was hungry, tired, and the half wild mama cow was giving me a hard time of it.
A few days later I returned to the site with a metal detector and camera. This site was on a bluff and looked down upon a small valley...there was a creek at the bottom of the bluff. Upon investigation, I found eight or nine spots where there were small scattered piles of large rifle cartridges. These were approximately 55 cal. and were the rim fire type of rifle shell. Looking around, I found several old rusted metal buttons, part of a fork, part of a harmonica, a iron chain about four feet long, and best of all, I found a large brass belt plate. I will post a picture of the belt plate when I finish typing this story.
After searching for several hours, I decided it was time to leave. It was at this time that I decided to check the base of the bluff...maybe I would find a few relics down there too. Well, I found some things, but they were not relics...there were bones scattered everywhere along the base of that bluff. These were not large animal bones, but were smaller bones...about the size of human bones. A chill went through me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up...these might be human bones! As I stood there looking up and down the base of that bluff, I noticed that it was real quiet, no bird sounds or was just a spooky type of quietness. Within seconds I decided that it was time to leave the quickly as possible.
A few days later, I made a visit to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio in the hopes of finding out about the battle site. They had no record of a battle site near Leon Springs. They did tell me that the belt plate was a Civil War officers belt plate. They offered to buy the belt plate but I said no. I have never been able to obtain any information about the battle site. I still have the old 5 1/4 inch floppy disk with the pictures that I took that day, but I need to find someone with an old computer that I can use to transfer them to a disk or something. I need to return to that site and look for some more relics, but it has to be soon because that ranch has been sold and they are starting to build houses. Please have a great day! Kelley (Texas)
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