Like anything new it takes some time and some experience with it to get real good with it, but this is like anything we do now days, if you want to play a piano you wont do too good at first, but the more you use it the better you will get. I like mine best in those worked to death parks and ball fields as all the loud and surface target are gone so I can spend more time listening to the deeper signals and those that are iffy and try to make them a better signal by doing the Sovereign wiggle. That picture I posted was from a park most had given up on and many still dont beleive I got them from the same area we have pounded for years. I learn a lot too on this one as my normal swing of the coil was too fast to see them and had to go even slower to get a slight tone change and work it to see it was a repeatable signal that was trying to climb, but just couldnt make it to the correct tones or meter reading, but sure were trying is why I dug them.
To help learn it I would take it to a place with a lot of new coins and get used to the tones and how this detector works before going to a well worked area trying to get some of the deep signals right away. Mine click more for me at a older park that was big and not full of iron and took the time to look at each signal I would get and if I wasnt sure what it was I would dig it up.
I could tell you many stories of some of the coins the Sovereign has got plus some older halfs in playgrounds that were not even very deep that others missed. I know of one guy out East I sold a used Sovereign too and didnt like it the first 4 or 5 times out, then it was questionable, then liked it a little and finally loves it when he was picking nice coins out of areas worked hard. His detecting buddies didnt like to hunt with him as he always was finding more than they were, in some cases he had more than both of them together. He told me he had been thinking on selling it after 4 time out and sure glad he stayed with it and didnt give or he would have missed so many good coins and jewelry.
To help learn it I would take it to a place with a lot of new coins and get used to the tones and how this detector works before going to a well worked area trying to get some of the deep signals right away. Mine click more for me at a older park that was big and not full of iron and took the time to look at each signal I would get and if I wasnt sure what it was I would dig it up.
I could tell you many stories of some of the coins the Sovereign has got plus some older halfs in playgrounds that were not even very deep that others missed. I know of one guy out East I sold a used Sovereign too and didnt like it the first 4 or 5 times out, then it was questionable, then liked it a little and finally loves it when he was picking nice coins out of areas worked hard. His detecting buddies didnt like to hunt with him as he always was finding more than they were, in some cases he had more than both of them together. He told me he had been thinking on selling it after 4 time out and sure glad he stayed with it and didnt give or he would have missed so many good coins and jewelry.