We haven't had many weather breaks lately and today I decided to get some detecting time in on my way home from work. Decided to hit a new spot I been eyeballing. So I get started on the edge of a field that appears there was a ball field there in the past. The back side of the field is developed with homes with a fence line along the back of the field.
I got going and in about 5 minutes I was down on the ground getting ready to dig my first sweet sounding target. Just after I flipped open a cut plug, I reached for the pinpointer and this old man was nearly 30-35 feet coming at me at a jogging pace with a full size garden shovel in hand. I jumped up all ninja ready as he caught me off guard and he said in a out of breath manner "What is it! What is it!".... Then he commenced to uproot my plug with the shovel.
In a calm and not so nice manner I said "What in #&!! do you think your doing!!!".
Next thing I know he's digging up the ground and talking to himself like I'm not there
I told him to quite and get the $&!! out of here. The poor feller still couldn't hear me.
I looked around and packed it out of there - he's is not with me I was thinking. I didn't want anyone see me there with a detector in my possession and have some maniac doing the digging. This dude was off his rocker but sure can put a shovel to work. I don't know if he was on meds or in need of lots of meds. I just had to get out of there and get away from this bonehead. As I was starting the SUV to take off, I can see a backyard gate open from one of the homes. It's apparent the gate isn't secured to keep escapee's on the better side of the world. I guess he isn't homeless (looked like it though) - just an escapee.
So I finally get a break to detect and wanted to try this new spot. I don't know what planet this dude came from but I'm glad this time I didn't take my dogs with me, but not so happy to have my hunt ruined. Supposed to be raining again starting tomorrow and every day for a week in the forecast. I guess I'm glad I didn't have to try and stick this fella with my digger out of reaction - but his approach and communication skills are well below par.
All I can say is this is my first time actually swinging a detector and I got skunked - not a tab, not a nail... zip-nada.
I rarely let my guard down but this was a situational awareness wake up call as I thought I was all alone, and I was for a few minutes.
Keep aware at all times folks - it's just a hobby I keep saying - but one I like to enjoy. Just venting a little....
I like to dig but not like a mad man, and not places that don't offer a little peace of mind. Gee-Whiz.

I got going and in about 5 minutes I was down on the ground getting ready to dig my first sweet sounding target. Just after I flipped open a cut plug, I reached for the pinpointer and this old man was nearly 30-35 feet coming at me at a jogging pace with a full size garden shovel in hand. I jumped up all ninja ready as he caught me off guard and he said in a out of breath manner "What is it! What is it!".... Then he commenced to uproot my plug with the shovel.
In a calm and not so nice manner I said "What in #&!! do you think your doing!!!".
Next thing I know he's digging up the ground and talking to himself like I'm not there

I told him to quite and get the $&!! out of here. The poor feller still couldn't hear me.
I looked around and packed it out of there - he's is not with me I was thinking. I didn't want anyone see me there with a detector in my possession and have some maniac doing the digging. This dude was off his rocker but sure can put a shovel to work. I don't know if he was on meds or in need of lots of meds. I just had to get out of there and get away from this bonehead. As I was starting the SUV to take off, I can see a backyard gate open from one of the homes. It's apparent the gate isn't secured to keep escapee's on the better side of the world. I guess he isn't homeless (looked like it though) - just an escapee.
So I finally get a break to detect and wanted to try this new spot. I don't know what planet this dude came from but I'm glad this time I didn't take my dogs with me, but not so happy to have my hunt ruined. Supposed to be raining again starting tomorrow and every day for a week in the forecast. I guess I'm glad I didn't have to try and stick this fella with my digger out of reaction - but his approach and communication skills are well below par.
All I can say is this is my first time actually swinging a detector and I got skunked - not a tab, not a nail... zip-nada.
I rarely let my guard down but this was a situational awareness wake up call as I thought I was all alone, and I was for a few minutes.
Keep aware at all times folks - it's just a hobby I keep saying - but one I like to enjoy. Just venting a little....
I like to dig but not like a mad man, and not places that don't offer a little peace of mind. Gee-Whiz.