Got mine yesterday and spent some time testing it. Take in mind I hunt mostly modern parks with lots of trash. Some dislikes. Already heard of one locking up. Hope that dont happen to all of them. Maybe it was just a fluke. To me the ID numbers between zinc and copper are too small. For example a zinc penny hits at 41 and a dime at 45 on mine anyway. That is too close especially if the ID is jumping a bit. Hard to tell a zinc from a aluminum screw cap and a copper penny or dime sometimes. You can do this easily on some other detectors. The volume is almost too loud. Volume seems to go from soft to super loud with not much in between. Pinpoint seems to struggle sometimes on deeper targets. Dont seem like there is much, or no modulation on deeper targets. There is no way to do a factory reset. That stinks. I like messing with settings. Maybe they can fix that with an update. Seems like the id's are not normalized across all frequencies. Some good points. It is well built. Seems to love nickels even fairly deep ones. Goes fairly deep but nothing that my other detectors wont do. Waterproof. Many adjustments and settings. Folds up real small for easy carrying. The ferro check seems to work ok on shallower targets. In it's price range it is a pretty good deal. Just my 2 cents.
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