Here we are at Queenstown staying with our son and his loverly lady,it has been raining all day so at about 2 oclock we decided to go for an MD in the rain,headed for the main beach front which is right on the lake front and is very popular with tourists all year round.So ignoring all the strange looks from the cafe and bar patrons away we went,well this place is a goldmine within 2 hours we had 45 dollars in gold coins (only 38 in the photo brought milk and bread on the way home),also quite a few other coins some are foreign,a nice big chunky silver ring (ugly as).My son who is a first time user was using my spare detector (Xterra 705) for the first time and got strong signal under a tree,out came a very water logged package from around 6"deep carefully unfolding what was left of the very wet outer wrapping inside was another layer of paper, inside this were the two rings in the picture.It was very obvious by the age of the paper and the depth that it had been in the ground for some years.The rings were wrapped in what appears to be a photo,but due to the age and water damage it could not be identified,the rings have names and what appears to be a japanese date (17-3) also the word... silver... is embossed inside both of them.A search through the net couldnt find anything so the next stop will be the police.Its is all a bit strange we can only assume they were lost yet it appears they were buried.....PS a lot of Japanese couples of over here for there weddings and combine it with a honeymoon.