I was just discussing this yesterday with one of my prospecting buddies in Arizona. He was on a video with Andy from Andy and Amy’s Arizona adventures showing the Axiom and the GPX6000. He told me that the axiom looks like it will be a good machine based on what he saw in an area where all the gold is known to be very small. He and I both felt that the real issue will be just getting people to buy the unit. Every Garrett gold machine so far has looked very promising but actually just not delivered compared to Minelab. Basically the idea is that marketing is not going to sell this machine, only make people aware of it. It will take people in the field who decide to go ahead and take a chance and buy one, then have great results to show the prospecting world what it will do before very many people will pay about the same amount for the axiom as they would for a used GPZ 7000. That desert is full of blue machines! I myself went SDC over ATX and have not regretted it for a millisecond. Having said that, the HOPE is that it will be a winner! It can only be good for the prospecting world to have some competition for once!