TenedorDelDiablo said:[size=large]Greetings again everyone. I have to ask you something you guys and need some advice on how to handle the disappointment and frustration I am feeling.
Have you ever been beach hunting, and found absolutely nothing at all (jewelry-wise)? How did you feel and how did you handle it when it's happened (if at all)? The reason I ask is that Sunday night, I went to South Beach Miami, (the supposed mecca for gold and jewelry), and detected from 8pm to 8am!!! That's right....12 freaking hours of detecting the wet and dry sand with the Excal II (and the battery held up)! My settings were Sensitivity on Auto, Discrim on 2, and the Threshold below mid-point (about the 10:00 o'clock setting). At daylight, when I finally reluctantly went into the rough water (biceps, forearms, traps and spirit all busted up) and searched around in the trough area..I couldn't stay on my feet in the surf, I couldn't pinpoint, it was extremely hard to find the target with the scoop (Beach Brute), and what I did bring up was nothing but pulltabs and bottle caps!! Not to mention, I lost my cell phone! It was a disastrous and VERY disappointing hunt.
How do you guys handle such a situation? What am I doing wrong? How is it possible for a beach that I meticulously "grid" for 12 hours bring up nothing but clad and absolutely no jewelry?? The only thing I can think of is that it may have rained on Sunday, and the crowds weren't there...and the night before the other hunters were already active. I don't get it! I am so incredibly frustrated and super disappointed!!!
When/if you guys enter the it usually rough pounding surf? Do you wait until the water is really calm? Do you go out into the deep? Should I just put on my dive gear and head out into deeper area?? What am I doing wrong guys? This is the second time I do a very long hunting session in the same beach on a Sunday night/Monday morning, and have found nothing but clad. Its supposed to be the best beach for people losing stuff. Would you keep returning? Should I change beaches? Should I just hunt for a few hours then go home? What would you change if anything? Help!
I know I ask a lot of questions and really appreciate your collective guidance and counsel, but I'm seriously depressed and frustrated here and need some good sound advice. I was a beaten man the other morning, with nothing to show for a long hunt but a lost cell phone and a broken spirit!
Thanks again in advance,
AKA TenedorDelDiablo[/size]
....Well you have perseverance, that's for sure. You have all the makings of a successful water hunter. Make sure Excal is setup to the MAX (Auto is not what you want)...should be able to run at 10 o'oclock for SENS.....also make sure you don't hunt behind "Mr.Gold"......all the good stuff will be gone from where he's been !
Tony in Australia.