Tom_in_CA said:vlad said:I popped a plug and she saw a worm.... She was moving backward so fast her feet went out from under her.
And yet somehow ....... the women's lib. movement would have us believe that there is no difference between men and women, except the plumbing ?
Tom, I think it's called the feminist movement now.... I agree with you for the most part except for me and my daughter. We both deer hunt and my daughter, gosh is she ever a pretty lady at age 41. But anyway, she shot a 6 pt buck, her first and she wanted to do everything. She field dressed it, then when we got it home she skinned and quartered it herself with her husband and dad directing her. She is in the Air National Guard, will retire in a few years. Her daughter, my granddaughter, who was then 11 was metal detecting with me and used her hands to clean out all the holes. She wasn't afraid of the dirt or the worms, but she did want to save the worms.
Sometimes I see women who don't work outside the home, but they won't even mow the lawn because they think that's man's work. I say in a situation like that, whoever has the most free time should do it.