Jason in Enid said:
Infiniumexplorer Excalibur said:
Thanks for the reply's and the info.
I'm not interested in using a detector, I owned an Excal 2 and own an Infinium and the beaches are well hunted. Using detector/scoop setup is useless around rocks, much quicker fanning.
I want to hunt in waters that are slightly to deep to walk, so I'll have to float and dive down a bit. I was thinking of using a mask and snorkel, something to fan with, do you guys think I should wear fins and use that to fan with whilst it's on my foot? Digger, is this how your friend used his fins, or did he have one in his hand?
First, water that is too deep to walk in? Ar you talking 4 foot? 5 foot? 6 foot? It really doesnt matter though. If you can float on the surface to look down for targets.... then what? Swim down to fan right? How are you going to stay on the bottom fanning? If you can float on the top, you will have trouble staying submerged. Waves.... while you are down there (un-weighted) the waves are going to be pushing you back and forth like a rag doll. Also, if don't have fins, you wont be able to move effectively in the water
Feel free to try it out... but if it was that easy everyone would be doing it that way.
Jason is correct....you can't do it both ways. It's either walk with up to 30 pounds of lead and then drop to the sea floor to retrieve the target. Be careful not to walk too deep beyond the depth of the snorkel and practice your quick release of the lead dive belt should you need to get to the surface. Snorkeling/fanning without lead is a lesson in frustration even without a wetsuit that increases your buoyancy.
I walk to depths of 7 feet with a mask/snorkel and about 25 ponds of lead. I will drop and fan if the sand is loose and fine. In hardpack and shells then a scoop is needed as fanning won't remove the heavy shells. If you find yourself in depth over the snorkel then don't panic.....I will often push up hard from the sea floor to break the surface, clear my snorkel and breath again. You must also know exactly in which direction the shore is for shallower water if you get too deep. Dump the weight belt if you have to and retrieve it later. If you are weighted then you MUST be aware of what's going on around you if you find yourself suddenly in too deep a water...think clearly and concisely, panic is your enemy. The surface is only just above you but if you panic and lose your common sense then 6" to the surface may as well be 6 metres. Practice dropping your weight belt. I don't tether anything to my body (scoops or detector).
Have fun and find the good stuff,