Old coin hunter
Well-known member
Got permission to do a small yard next to the yard at the ROW and found the following. 259 coins consisting of 12 Qtrs, 32 Dimes, 22 Nickles, 102 Zincs, 87 Coppers, 7 Wheats, 1 Canadian Penny, 1 Smashed Qtr. 1 War Nickle and 1 Rosie. The smashed Qtr looks like a Washington as if you look just below the top of the coin at about 1 oclock you can see the rounded part of his head and possibly his partial hair bun and it rang up at 92-93 on the Simplex. I didn't know i had the Nickle or the Rosie until after i tumbled all the Nickles and Dimes and looked through them. Worked the yard for two days and it's only 30x30 ft. so all the hits were kind of hard to deal with but i dug all of them. HH Jim.