Tony I used the AT Pro for the first time yesterday and I can empathize with your feelings thus far. It's a noisy machine, just like my F75 LTD. The factory headphones are Treasure Wise headphones, and sound identical to the Treasure Wise headphones I bought for $20 a few years ago to use as backups when my Sunray & Killer Bs failed me. You will get different audio with higher end headphones, the Treasure Wise phones are very bassy/muted whereas the higher end phones are more pitchy (if that makes sense). You may like the audio better with headphones you're used to as the sounds will be more familiar.
I need to get a lot more time under my belt on the AT Pro before I post any thoughts on it's cabilities, but right off the bat there are three things I didn't like:
-The short headphone cord. I'm not sure why they had to make it so short like it was intended for midgets.
-The display is great in that it provides lots of information, but the display is so tiny that a lot of the information is lost as it's difficult to see.
-Lastly it's not very ergonomic, I think because the arm cuff doesn't extend that far back it makes it act heavier then it is and will wear you out quicker then a heavier machine. Maybe that gizmo extender is the answer to that. It's interesting because they list the AT Pro as 3 lbs on the Garrett website, and the F75 LTD is listed at 3.5 lbs, but yesterday when I put both machines in my car, the AT felt noticeably heavier then the F75 LTD.
I'm on my way to another site today, I'm debating using the AT or the F75
On the other hand I know I'll never learn the AT if I don't force myself to use it.
Oh yeah, I used MY real $$$ to buy the machine