I recently found a class ring for a couple that had just lost it and came and asked for help. I found it in 15 minutes and there joy was kind
of contagious. I felt good about helping out. They promised $, but it never showed up, I was OK with just making them happy.
HOWEVER, on class rings, I don't know anyone who still wears a high school ring. College rings are worn a little more and military
rings seem to be worn oftenest. All this is just my opinion, but if I find a class ring and it goes back just to sit in a drawer or sold for its
gold or silver value I think, HMMM, I could have sold it and helped pay for batteries, gas etc. Would the person who lost the ring show
up to help if some government agency tries to ban metal detecting? Food for thought, personally anyone who doesn't look for his
ring or a detectorist to find it has decided the effort is not worth getting his ring back. If you find a $100 bill while detecting do you turn
it in to lost and found? Why should we feel so different for a ring that they aren't looking for? Have you ever found a ring and had a
bystander claim he lost it and wants it back? Food for thought.
I will probably keep them all.