Some folks want to see detectors fail... for whatever reason. Maybe they have their mind made up that only the brand (or type) they've always used is the best, therefore they give it a half-hearted try, and search hard for (and highlight) the "flaws" or "short comings" of a particular detector.
On the other hand, If I'm too dedicated to one particular brand (or type), I'm going to do my best to "overlook" any problems I encounter. Barnacle Bill did one of the best unbiased comparisons a while back. He was methodical and seemed very unbiased. The only factor that is nearly impossible for testing is the variety of soil types that are all over the place. What works great for me may not work as well for a guy up north or further down south (and don't forget the folks out west!)
I have to admit, if I were given a free detector to use, I'd be really tempted to "think good thoughts", if for no other reason than so I might also get another one down the road. Free stuff always looks better than stuff I had to painfully pay for
However, I would also know that my comments would possibly influence some folks, and therefore I would be staking something more valuable than a free detector on the line... my character and credibility.
So, I agree with you Bill, if folks are "handpicked" there would definitely be a "foul". I don't know, maybe pick one regular from each forum of different detector types, (ie: Explorer, CZ, DFX, etc.)? Or do the good old fashioned drawing method where the names are picked out of a hat? It is indeed a challenge, but creative marketing is what will get you noticed... I just hate to see a good detector over-looked because someone else advertises better.
Sorry for being so wordy, but this subject really gets me going
Mark in NC