NiagracountyNY said:
......Minelab has very good target VDI.Thats another strong point.But after 8 inches acuracy drops fast........
Not being critical and i did enjoy your video but just curious, how many hours do you have on the CTX?
It really should of screamed at least iron at that large 6.5" nail in open mask. This is why i like these detector comparisons, it opens up discussion.
And thanks again for testing a couple detectors i never heard of. Just might look into some of them as most old parks here are nail burial grounds.
You've got 4 different detectors there, don't know if they're all yours, some borrowed for the test or if you used them all extensively in the field. What i'm getting at, there's probably something to be said for sticking with just one detector, learning it and having it eventually become an extension of the arm and more important the brain.
Its said Minelabs have a long learning curve. In my experience thats true for finding the deepest of the deep or trickier targets. It took a lot of detecting time with the eTRAC before i was digging up 12 inch deep coins.
Yes a new Minelab owner with a half hour or so familiarizing himself with his new machine can go out using a stock pattern and detect real time and even find some of the easier keepers.
Don't have a CTX but an eTRAC. I'll somewhat agree with the ID starting to go sour for coins deeper than 8 to 10 inches. I'll disagree with the its not a deep detector.
Back to the ID and targets deeper than 8". Just about every coin i dug up deeper than 10 inches did NOT have a solid so called standard ID for the coin. This is where a preferably open or highly watered down discrimination pattern works best for finding the real deep targets with the eTRAC. The tones might indicate a foot deep conductive target is down there like a coin but the ID is either radically jumpy and out of the targets standard ID. Because the IDs are not accurate for these deep targets and using a stock or tight coin pattern, a 12" deep coin could likely be discriminated out and walked over by an inexperienced or new Minelab user.
The eTRAC will detect beyond 12", it just will not have accurate IDs at that depth but somewhat accurate conductive/ferrous tones. This is where experience or a long learning curve comes into play.
My eTRAC depth record for a silver dime is 14" maybe more if the grass is factored in, granted with using my NEL Tornado coil. It had nowhere near a solid 12-43 ID.