Hello everyone. New membper here but I’m not new to metal detecting. I’ve been coin shooting since the mid to late 70’s. My first detector was a Bounty Hunter Red Baron but I later switched to a Whites Coinmaster 6000D series 2. Both were good machines but I really became fond of the Whites. The Coinmaster finally gave out a few years ago and I’ve been on the seacrh for the “perfect” detector for me since. I currently own a Minelab 540, a Fisher F19, and just recently picked up a Fisher F70. My question is this, can someone help me set the F70 up for coin hunting? I’m currently going to an old school yard and I just can’t seem to get the settings right on the F70. I love my F19 but i only have the stock 10” coil on it and it doesn’t hunt deep enough. Thanks in advance.…..Virg.