I saw a old guy one time with a minelab explorer when it first came out and I swear he was swinging it over a foot off the ground thats just plain dumb in my mind because your max range on your detector is only about 12 inches
but the idea is if you swing faster you cover more ground in a shorter period of time , more ground covered equals more finds , my guess is they are looking for freshly lost rings etc which would be found in the 2-6 inch deep range anyway, these are the kinda guys we fall out laughing at
but im sure they have a few good finds in their trophy case just based on the luck factor alone, otherwise why do they keep doing it
but the idea is if you swing faster you cover more ground in a shorter period of time , more ground covered equals more finds , my guess is they are looking for freshly lost rings etc which would be found in the 2-6 inch deep range anyway, these are the kinda guys we fall out laughing at