and you will see prominently displayed:
Now, you ought to know me well enough by now that I would have had the same questions if The Mayor (so far as I know, the sole source of this information) had said the White's DFX, MXT, XLT, Fisher CZ-3d, Bounty Hunter Time Ranger, top of the line Tesoros, or for that matter any of the high end Garretts were the units the Ace cleaned up after.
See, reading can be fun and educational. Let me break it down for you in case it's still not clear and you are only reading the parts you want to read:
I do not believe the story, and I wouldn't believe it it it were ANY OTHER top of the line model from virtually ANY OTHER manufacturer.
I own both the 250 and an EXP II, but I guess in order to be a true Garrett user I have to get rid of the minelab and genuflect in the general direction of Garrett's inc.
See, "take offense" is really a poor choice of words. Several weeks ago a user on another forum was asking about new detectors. I explained I was very happy with my Ace250, and added a link to a review by BILL(OR). The other user stated he would treat a review from a Garrett furum with due dilligence, then I went on to explain that it wasn't a Garrett forum per se, just one page devoted to Garretts on a site that caters to most brands with pages for each. I further went on to explain that BILL(OR) having 40+ years of experience was likely to give a solid review, I mentioned that it was unlikely he was a brand bigot after all these years. Well, with the slurs against the Minelab, I have to wonder if I was correct in my defense!
Clear enough?
Hope so, becuiase I'm going to go swing the 250 for a few hours, and I might even (GASP) use the Minelab too!
LMAO at all of this brand loyalty crappola!