Oh boy! Easy and hard.
Easy in that the ctx is 'almost' a turn on and go machine. It doesn't try to tell you penny, nickel, dime, etc.. I say it is almost a turn on and go machine because you have to learn where on the screen those targets fall. From left to right on the ctx screen, various nickels fall around 10-15, pennies mid 30s to mid 40s, dimes 42-44, quarters 46-47, halfs and silver dollars 45-46. This information and the quick start guide that comes with the detector is enough for you to go out and do a good job on U.S. coins. There are some things that you might want to know and would have to read the manual. You could pick out just the few things to get you operating and leave it at that.
Hard in that the ctx has lots of bells and whistles to learn. It depends on how much of that you want to learn. Turn on and go, or learn more. It also depends on the individual. Are you a person who is capable of reading the manual, understanding it, remembering it, and applying it to the machine? If you can do those things, the ctx isn't very difficult. If you are a person that gets along with the electronic, technical devices of today, you shouldn't have much of a problem.
For me that meant reading the manual a couple of times without even touching the machine. Then reading the manual and applying it to the machine, then reading parts of the manual again and applying it to the machine. At that point I was able to go out and do a good job of detecting, and felt somewhat comfortable with the machine. I wanted to learn more though so I kept reading parts of the manual and kept applying that to the machine over many outings.
The following is a TID chart that shows where U.S. coins fall on the ctx screen. Notice that coins tend to fall on the 12 line down from the top. As for left to right, the coins vary from about 10 thru 47. Click on the chart to make it bigger.
Just don't let the ctx overwhelm you. Understand that it is almost a turn on and go machine. The machine is capable of finding lots of good stuff even with minimal knowledge of the detector. From there, you learn as much as you wish.