Neil in West Jersey
New member
As I get more experienced with the V3, I am able to make more observations. Yesterday my focus was on the RX gain and the false signals I get when the gain is up too high.
I returned to a local site that I am familiar with and used a 950 coil, which is the coil that was used at the site in the past with my DFX. I know where the trash at this site is and I know the spots where the mineralization is a bit higher. I am also familiar with how other detectors act at this site, so it was a good spot to focus on the instrument rather than the targets.
The thing that I noticed about RX gain is that it is was not heavily affected by EMI when raised. It did, however, become more susceptible to false signals when the coil is lowered to the ground especially when the coil is bumped off roots or got tangled in underbrush The false signals I received when raising the RX control made it difficult to swing the coil very close to the ground, causing a loss of depth. Even when the RX gain is lowered well below the recommended gain this was a bit of a problem although not as much.
I noticed that the Sensitivity/Discriminate control had a larger affect on EMI. As soon as this is raised too high, the display began to jump around, even with the coil held in the air.
(I was running a modified Relic program with Mixed Mode ON,)
I guess now it is my job to go back to the D2 and see how it reacts in the same situation. I may have an overly sensitive 950 coil.
One other thing I noticed was at one point when I hit a dump site with extreme iron/trash the display began to lag behind the audio. It had a difficult time keeping up, and then the screen locked up. The audio still worked on the detector, but the screen and all the controls froze. I needed to take out the battery to reset it. I am not that concerned because I have had occasional freeze ups on every digital detector I ever owned.
I returned to a local site that I am familiar with and used a 950 coil, which is the coil that was used at the site in the past with my DFX. I know where the trash at this site is and I know the spots where the mineralization is a bit higher. I am also familiar with how other detectors act at this site, so it was a good spot to focus on the instrument rather than the targets.
The thing that I noticed about RX gain is that it is was not heavily affected by EMI when raised. It did, however, become more susceptible to false signals when the coil is lowered to the ground especially when the coil is bumped off roots or got tangled in underbrush The false signals I received when raising the RX control made it difficult to swing the coil very close to the ground, causing a loss of depth. Even when the RX gain is lowered well below the recommended gain this was a bit of a problem although not as much.
I noticed that the Sensitivity/Discriminate control had a larger affect on EMI. As soon as this is raised too high, the display began to jump around, even with the coil held in the air.
(I was running a modified Relic program with Mixed Mode ON,)
I guess now it is my job to go back to the D2 and see how it reacts in the same situation. I may have an overly sensitive 950 coil.
One other thing I noticed was at one point when I hit a dump site with extreme iron/trash the display began to lag behind the audio. It had a difficult time keeping up, and then the screen locked up. The audio still worked on the detector, but the screen and all the controls froze. I needed to take out the battery to reset it. I am not that concerned because I have had occasional freeze ups on every digital detector I ever owned.