First hunt of the year . Since my ground is still frozen went on a road trip started in northern illinois found 3 sivers and some wheats ground was still froze from 3 to 7 inches top 3 was thawed so farther south i went . Different settings opened it up most coins were with iron as can be seen from the staining on the silver .
The half floored me like what i mostly find dimes 67 wheats 13 dimes 1 half 2 buffs and a indian .
I'm 66 that ctx let's me swing 6 hours a day my friend was using a 800 found 25 wheats 3 silvers 3 buffs 2 indians and 2 silver rings .
The ctx is a 10 year old boat anchor that just keeps producing we compared signals the nox was blind to many targets the ctx would id some he got no id some he got random numbers that's why i swing the anchor i also have a 800 don't have much use for it except nugget hunting .
All the new machine i see don't hold a candle to the ctx if a lighter machine came like the ctx with more speed which you don't need where i hunt modern (Thrash ) i would buy but till i see it i will still hunt with the ctx .
All the videos i see with the detector coming of iron say it hits it but no ID hitting it and knowing what it is the game in modern thrash till i see that then i will change for my poor arms sake .Arrived home ground still froze at least i got to loot someone else's back yard lol . sube