I could go on and on about returning stuff, most of the time causing heartache to me in the process and wondering why I even try. I have yet to decide what exactly to do about some situations. I just recently returned two military ID's with ever things inside meal card, room card, SS card, bank cards, drivers license, the works. I don't even try to contact theses people anymore I just hand them over to the local law and let them do the dirty work. You have to take into account that the beach I hunt is night club lined and most of the people are drunk. Have returned cell phones and some real nice ones which cost in the hundreds with not so much as kiss my -- -.
Hunted one for a girl the other night, and the girl and her friends kept coming up asking if I found the phone and at the same time ringing another phone when they walk in my direction. I don't need the stupid cell phone, or could I use it. They don't know actually where they lost an items most of the times. Another instance, I a found cell phone, one car key, shirt, and license after dark on beach close to water line. Later a guy come wobbling drunk down beach stopping every once and awhile, I got to thinking maybe it belong to him and ask him Sir, are you looking for something, he said yes lost my shirt and cell phone. I ask him would this be it and if he lost anything else thinking about his car key. He said yes a ring. I ask what kind of ring and he proceeds to show me a huge diamond rind on his hand and say something like this one. Take into account this guy has three huge diamonds rings on each hand and a heavy gold chain with pendent around his neck. I sent a half hour hunting with him around, and another hour and half before coming to realize that he didn't lose a ring. He was only hoping I had found one that he could claim. I ask for his phone number twice in case I found it, and he would not give me a number, that should have been clue enough. Now I wished I had sailed a very expensive cell phone to China. I could go on and on with mostly the same results in my area, there is only one occasion that I can recall that I got a good feeling of returning an item and that was a mom that her little girl had lost a pair of RX glasses which I returned. Maybe some of you other fellows have better results, and maybe your beach area is made up of different type of folks, I don't know. I just think when you try to do the right thing and run into so much negative there has to be a stopping point. Its really a shame people are the way they are. My days of returning items are coming to an end in most cases. Not all. Sorry.
Hunted one for a girl the other night, and the girl and her friends kept coming up asking if I found the phone and at the same time ringing another phone when they walk in my direction. I don't need the stupid cell phone, or could I use it. They don't know actually where they lost an items most of the times. Another instance, I a found cell phone, one car key, shirt, and license after dark on beach close to water line. Later a guy come wobbling drunk down beach stopping every once and awhile, I got to thinking maybe it belong to him and ask him Sir, are you looking for something, he said yes lost my shirt and cell phone. I ask him would this be it and if he lost anything else thinking about his car key. He said yes a ring. I ask what kind of ring and he proceeds to show me a huge diamond rind on his hand and say something like this one. Take into account this guy has three huge diamonds rings on each hand and a heavy gold chain with pendent around his neck. I sent a half hour hunting with him around, and another hour and half before coming to realize that he didn't lose a ring. He was only hoping I had found one that he could claim. I ask for his phone number twice in case I found it, and he would not give me a number, that should have been clue enough. Now I wished I had sailed a very expensive cell phone to China. I could go on and on with mostly the same results in my area, there is only one occasion that I can recall that I got a good feeling of returning an item and that was a mom that her little girl had lost a pair of RX glasses which I returned. Maybe some of you other fellows have better results, and maybe your beach area is made up of different type of folks, I don't know. I just think when you try to do the right thing and run into so much negative there has to be a stopping point. Its really a shame people are the way they are. My days of returning items are coming to an end in most cases. Not all. Sorry.