So I found a pretty nice gold ring yesterday. It was near the driveway of the lot I was hunting but the property line is right at the edge of the driveway so I wasn't encroaching. I got to thinking about it and I know the owner of the house. She rents it out now, but she used to live there, so the ring could very well be hers as she only recently moved. Went to school with her and never really knew her except she was kind of high faluting, not in my social circle or lack thereof. Anyway, I looked her number up on the computer, dialed it and it rang in at the college she works at. She is a professor. I asked for her and the receptionist said she's not in yet. I said, oh, I thought I was calling her home number. She said, I can't give you her home number. I said, I didn't ask for her home number, I thought this was her home number. We can't give that out. I'll ring her desk but I don't think she's in. It rang, and she didn't answer.
Now that I've thought about it more, I'm not going to try calling her again. If she's not the type to look on caller id and return her calls, then i'll go with the time honored position of finders keepers. Never have thought much of college professors anyway, they're always on the news for being way out liberals.
Now that I've thought about it more, I'm not going to try calling her again. If she's not the type to look on caller id and return her calls, then i'll go with the time honored position of finders keepers. Never have thought much of college professors anyway, they're always on the news for being way out liberals.