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daddyflea said:2 Much Trash said:berryman said:For those of you who do or have done both - do you make more monepy selling your jewelry or your relic finds?
Sorry for my feelings, but this kind of question and impression it gives, is one of the reasons our places to detect and enjoy our hobby are getting few and far between. Really ticks me off. There's a lot more value in what we recover, in many ways, especially historical items, whether it be coins or relics or jewelry than it's monepy value. This is what puts the average folk who don't share our passion, but who own or manage property that we'd like to hunt, on the defensive.sorry again
I have to really wonder who if anyone has actually made Money Metal Detecting. I have spent thousands of dollars to recover pennies that the Bank will not even take as change.
I have lived off my finds for the last few years. Certainly not comfortably but I have found enough to pay bills and finance my adventures.