For years I carried the 5" loop in my BDU side pocket because ever so often I would get one
of those deep or hard to pin point [maybe coin on edge targets]. If you have used a CZ with a
10.5" loop you know what I mean. Had I bought an inline probe, that's exactly what it is, a probe.
But with the 5" loop, it doubled as a probe and a coil.
The F70/75 is no different. With a dedicated probe that is literally all they are good for. Pick
up the 6" loop and carry it along for those deep targets, or places where you better not make
it look like a mortar round hit, and I mean in the recovery process. Some people get real upset
seeing you dig a deep hole, no matter how well you clean it up afterwards. Simply unscrew the
11" from the detector, plug in the 6" loop, stick it in the hole, and find the target. You can reverse
the connections in seconds, and you have TWO LOOPS TO HUNT WITH.
Its one thing to be out in some rural area digging, and another to be in your neighbors yard.