...will be even more meaningful.
As a man matures, he begins to move into different circles, keeping his indelible values, forged into him as a lad.
Your character will take on these chapters with every bid of the class and tenacity as the stories of yesteryear reflect.
Bein' a husband, a daddy, a granddaddy, a mentor,...oh son! Those chapters can be the most powerful and lasting of all! Just think of your grand child writing those chapters to completion as they tap their memories and read your stories. My word!
It is a blessing to be in those chapters of our lives. Being placed there by circumstances or by our choosing, nevertheless, a man has his values and his blessings to give to the up-and-coming generations, precious as they are.
"Blessed is the man whose quiver is full." Oh...yeah.
Staying the course and finishing each "chapter" the way God would have us do as the leaders of our families is our duty and an immeasurable honor.
I encourage you to saddle up and throw yourself into that scrapbook...to detail your artifacts and attitudes...to journal, and just maybe that grandbaby or great grandbaby will find your most special treasure one day, locked away in a dusty old trunk in the darkest corner of the attic.
The old ways don't have to be lost and when you preserve them, you invest in your legacy -- the future generations. As they read and learn, decades from now, they will come to know the special man that we all care so much about. <><
your friend,