pull tab mel
New member
I have a T2 and it is a good machine....Been wanting an Omega to compare..... There are a lot more T2's on the used market than Omega's....Had a Delta and it seemed to perform as well as the T2....I like to hunt jewelry,coins and relics so maybe the T2 is all I need......Is the G2 as good as well? I'm thinking if you get the coil over a target any of the above will detect it.....seems that my T2 wont id and lock on to targets as well as I would like but it still detects them.......I am trying to talk myself into buying an Omega or maybe the G2....I am 62 and have back problems from time to time and like the light weight Teknetic line......has anyone here compared the Teknetics line in an actual hunt to see how they detect the same targets? Well, I told you up front that this was random thoughts...LOL.