If you have some site ideas, please share them.
Sorry you couldn't make this Outing we're enjoying right now. It's Friday morning, the 2nd or of 4-day WTHO here in Eastern Oregon. We have a very good turn-out of participants from Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington, and two of the three old coins found on our first day were made by Makro Racer 2 users.. Gregg Z. [size=small](aka Oregon Gregg)[/size] found an 1897 Indian Head 1¢, and Roger P. was working his Racer 2 when he found his oldest US coin, an 1863 Seated Liberty 10¢. That was near where Darby H., using a Fisher F75, had just recovered his oldest US coin to date, and 1836 Capped Bust 10¢.
Yes, many of the sites that have old coin potential have been hunted quite a bit and are getting 'thinned out' but we should never give up. The IH 1¢ came from the town I call 'Lonesome Arch.' and the two silver 10¢ coins came from the one I call 'Lone Tree.' The same towns where I pulled an 1953 large 1¢ just about 2 months ago.
I am always open to any suggestions to try and work up another Welcome-to-Hunt Outing, either for next years Putting agenda, or possibly even try to fit one in this year for early September.
We hope to see you on one of the nest WTHO's, and best of success in the meantime.
If you have some site ideas, please share them.
Sorry you couldn't make this Outing we're enjoying right now. It's Friday morning, the 2nd or of 4-day WTHO here in Eastern Oregon. We have a very good turn-out of participants from Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington, and two of the three old coins found on our first day were made by Makro Racer 2 users.. Gregg Z. [size=small](aka Oregon Gregg)[/size] found an 1897 Indian Head 1¢, and Roger P. was working his Racer 2 when he found his oldest US coin, an 1863 Seated Liberty 10¢. That was near where Darby H., using a Fisher F75, had just recovered his oldest US coin to date, and 1836 Capped Bust 10¢.
Yes, many of the sites that have old coin potential have been hunted quite a bit and are getting 'thinned out' but we should never give up. The IH 1¢ came from the town I call 'Lonesome Arch.' and the two silver 10¢ coins came from the one I call 'Lone Tree.' The same towns where I pulled an 1953 large 1¢ just about 2 months ago.
I am always open to any suggestions to try and work up another Welcome-to-Hunt Outing, either for next years Putting agenda, or possibly even try to fit one in this year for early September.
We hope to see you on one of the nest WTHO's, and best of success in the meantime.