You continue to sweep from as many directions as you can and as many times as you are willing until to figure out or come to a conclusion as to whether it's iron or a goodie, and or if it's worth taking a chance on digging. Over time you will get better at judging to dig or not, but you will have to dig many bad targets until you remember what they sound like and begin passing them up.
I have found that a good target 80% of the time easily can be isolated and is repeatable(at least from one side), is good sounding(not eradic), and if it's silver it will be a solid(2

, but will climb(not bounce) in digital if it's a super deepie, if it's a deep wheat or indian it will bounce around between 22 and 26 sometimes reaching 27 and 28 in digital.
Important observation--- Silver Climbs......Small Cents Bounce.
That erradic 28 if it's what I think it is would have had me quickly moving on to searching for way better signals. I know some coins and miscellanious targets can sound eradic and undiggable but again in time you learn to tell the goods from the bads. For now, I'll bet there are enough deepies, solid good target signals that if you just don't waist time with the eradic ones and move on you will have more goodies to throw in the box when you get home.
I'll tell you, running even the XS's preset coins program in many sections of the park I hunt would be more than enough to drive a hunter absolutly crazy, talk about eradic signals. This is where a custom coin program comes in handy, but when using one I still have about a 50-50 between good signals and eradic signals. My point is that after you hear enough Goodies and Junk you will know what to dig and what to walk away from. Wish I could record some of the junky tones for you to hear, maybe some one can.
Anyway, congrats on the great finds, I'm sure it won't be long now before you'll be giving all of us tips <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
