One of the most often asked questions on various forums, and certainly in my daily mail bag, is <EM><STRONG>"Which metal detector should I get?"</STRONG></EM> Sometimes it is just a general, open question, sometimes it is between two or more specific models, and sometimes it is asked with reference to a particular application or two.
Too often, there is no easy answer. I might ask you, <EM><STRONG>"What breakfast should I get?"</EM></STRONG> I could be more specific and ask, <EM><STRONG>"Which do you think is more filling and tastes the best, a Big Breakfast Meal from McDonalds, or the Scrambled Egg & Sausage Platter from Carl's Jr.?"</STRONG></EM> Perhaps I could ask, <EM><STRONG>"What breakfast do you think would be best for filling me up if I am very hungry, and give me energy for a day of hard work, without being too difficult to digest?"</EM></STRONG>
The first might only solicit a simple "general" answer like, <EM>"Why don't you have a bowl of cereal? It's easy to fix."</EM> That reply could be based on <EM>your</EM> approach to breakfast, and you might toss in a brand or two that you like.
If asked in the second manner, perhaps you don't like either breakfast, McDonalds or Carl Jr., so your answer would be biased against both, or you might not have any preference, or you might have a strong preference between them.
In the third question's answer, I am sure I would get a variety of suggestions to satisfy my hunger, provide lasting energy, and still be easy on the digestive track. <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="

So, it is with like biases and variables that I tackle each question such as yours, because I don't know if you already have some favored taste in mind.
Well, I have enough time in the field with both of the models you mentioned so I'll just let my opinions, with biases, try to answer.
You asked:<STRONG><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">"Trying to decide between a Eldorado & Tejon."</FONT></STRONG>.... No specific application is mentioned, so a general comment: They are BOTH very good models. I do like the Tej