Dang, you guys...I love my Koss phones, and have no reason to switch, but it's sure tempting to hear all of this talk about the Pro Golds...
Here's a question...I have used Koss phones for going on a year now...the whole time I have had my Explorer, and I am used to what things "sound like" through these phones. I know how much Bryce stresses not changing any of your "tonal" settings on your Explorer once you set them, as he advises getting used to exactly what sounds you are listening for and then STICKING WITH THAT -- so as to teach your ears what to focus on in a consistent, never-changing way. I buy into that idea 100%; makes total sense to me. SO, my question is, would stuff sound SO different in the Pro Golds as compared to what I'm used to (Koss) that there would be a "learning curve," so to speak, for my ears, to get used to these phones? Or, would the transition be "seamless." If silver sounds "so much different" on these phones, would there be an adjustment for me, switching from what I'm used to?