New member
I find it curious that very little talk in relation to these two aspects of the Sovereign is ever discussed. I think it's odd that some people (including me) put so much stock into what the Minelab techs have to say about proper use of the machine when it comes to things like sensitivity or volume settings, yet many people have the attitude that discrimination but more in particular the notch is somehow a giant blunder that those same techs should have never bothered with. If we are to take and believe their expertise and knowledge when it comes to certain other aspects of this machine, I don't think people should have the attitude that they knew so much with those things but totally drew a blank when they added the discrimination and notch. Those aren't two "extras" they threw on the machine just to make the face plate more symmetrical, they are there for a reason.
Sure, most of us prefer to hunt with no discrimination or notch, in particular when old coin hunting, as this lessons the chance that you might not notice a masked coin that at first only sounds off in relation to the pull tab or other junk it has sitting near it. If you were to notch or discriminate out certain unwanted items then you might never hear them in the first place and have the chance to sweep around them to see if there is a coin signal hidden in there. Even a coin at depth or tilted a certain way can by first glance (sweep) sound of somewhere much further down the scale, where it would never be heard should the discriminate or notch be set to reject items in that range.
Most of my detector experience over the last 10 years has been on the QXT Pro. Oh sure, I've gone back and fourth to other machines but I always ended up back to that unit. It was deeper than any of the other various machines I've used on silver and copper, and I really enjoyed the ability to assign high tones to any of the 8 specific zones it had for targets. While that didn't sound like much in the way of resolution, you'd be surprised at how VDI and audio reaction could help you split hairs on various targets, including the difference in everything from zinc pennies copper ones, to clads, and then silver.
Mainly, my preferred method of hunting was to not edit out any of those 8 zones, including the ground signal (hot rocks) or iron. I would instead assign high tones to the particular targets I was interested in. More often than not this was the nickle zone, the zinc penny zone, and then the coin zone that it crammed all the other coins into. Interestingly enough, the "nickle" zone, like that on many other machines out there, could be anything from foil to pull tabs, and as a result I dug way less in the way of nickles because I often avoided that zone. With the GT I've dug more nickles than with any other machine, including my Explorers. It's VDI resolution and telling audio on stuff in that range is excellent. When it says 142 to 146 or so and locks on to one number with good audio you can start digging your nickle.
Mostly with the QXT Pro I trained my ears to do my discrimination. Two tones could only be assigned, a low tone or a high. I would listen for that high pitch tone amongst trash or at depth and found myself a boat load of silver in doing it. That's just an example of why it's never a good idea when old coin hunting to use any form of discrimination. Of course on the beach it's also a good rule never to use any. It's pretty much scoop every target because of the ease of using a sand scoop and also the potential for the next "pull tab" to be a gold ring.
However, I don't care how die hard we all are at digging it all. There comes those places and points in time on land when there is either just way too much trash, or we are simply too tired to do anything but try to cherry pick. Mostly with old coin hunting I don't care how trashy it is, I'm using my ears. But, just the same, there are places where the trash is so severe that using no form of discrimination is more of a hindrance than a help. You simply can't concentrate due to all the never ending random signals that are blasting away at you. Your concentration suffers and you start getting "bumped around" in your head by the onslaught of never ending multiple signals occurring with each and every sweep. That's when it's either do something about it or go crazy trying, and that's why Minelab put notch and discrimination on these machines.
So I thought this would be an interesting topic to kick around. I'm sure I'll hear from the die hards who say even touching either one of those dials is a sin. Fine, good for you, but as good as my tolerance is for "hearing it all", even I can't take it anymore at sites that look like they hosted Woodstock. So let's dive into the pros and cons, who thinks what, and why they do it. I'll start off...
Sure, most of us prefer to hunt with no discrimination or notch, in particular when old coin hunting, as this lessons the chance that you might not notice a masked coin that at first only sounds off in relation to the pull tab or other junk it has sitting near it. If you were to notch or discriminate out certain unwanted items then you might never hear them in the first place and have the chance to sweep around them to see if there is a coin signal hidden in there. Even a coin at depth or tilted a certain way can by first glance (sweep) sound of somewhere much further down the scale, where it would never be heard should the discriminate or notch be set to reject items in that range.
Most of my detector experience over the last 10 years has been on the QXT Pro. Oh sure, I've gone back and fourth to other machines but I always ended up back to that unit. It was deeper than any of the other various machines I've used on silver and copper, and I really enjoyed the ability to assign high tones to any of the 8 specific zones it had for targets. While that didn't sound like much in the way of resolution, you'd be surprised at how VDI and audio reaction could help you split hairs on various targets, including the difference in everything from zinc pennies copper ones, to clads, and then silver.
Mainly, my preferred method of hunting was to not edit out any of those 8 zones, including the ground signal (hot rocks) or iron. I would instead assign high tones to the particular targets I was interested in. More often than not this was the nickle zone, the zinc penny zone, and then the coin zone that it crammed all the other coins into. Interestingly enough, the "nickle" zone, like that on many other machines out there, could be anything from foil to pull tabs, and as a result I dug way less in the way of nickles because I often avoided that zone. With the GT I've dug more nickles than with any other machine, including my Explorers. It's VDI resolution and telling audio on stuff in that range is excellent. When it says 142 to 146 or so and locks on to one number with good audio you can start digging your nickle.
Mostly with the QXT Pro I trained my ears to do my discrimination. Two tones could only be assigned, a low tone or a high. I would listen for that high pitch tone amongst trash or at depth and found myself a boat load of silver in doing it. That's just an example of why it's never a good idea when old coin hunting to use any form of discrimination. Of course on the beach it's also a good rule never to use any. It's pretty much scoop every target because of the ease of using a sand scoop and also the potential for the next "pull tab" to be a gold ring.
However, I don't care how die hard we all are at digging it all. There comes those places and points in time on land when there is either just way too much trash, or we are simply too tired to do anything but try to cherry pick. Mostly with old coin hunting I don't care how trashy it is, I'm using my ears. But, just the same, there are places where the trash is so severe that using no form of discrimination is more of a hindrance than a help. You simply can't concentrate due to all the never ending random signals that are blasting away at you. Your concentration suffers and you start getting "bumped around" in your head by the onslaught of never ending multiple signals occurring with each and every sweep. That's when it's either do something about it or go crazy trying, and that's why Minelab put notch and discrimination on these machines.
So I thought this would be an interesting topic to kick around. I'm sure I'll hear from the die hards who say even touching either one of those dials is a sin. Fine, good for you, but as good as my tolerance is for "hearing it all", even I can't take it anymore at sites that look like they hosted Woodstock. So let's dive into the pros and cons, who thinks what, and why they do it. I'll start off...