One other tip about using PP...It's not just the more depth like or perhaps even beyond some PI units, or the ability to cut through minerals better, but also here's a handy tip for the reverse discrimination thing- At that one mineralized beach I hunt, kwhen working it in PP, often if I hit a signal, I'd then find right where it is, center the coil right over it, and then flip to disc and do the tight/fast Sovereign wiggle. Often these non-ferrous (meaning non-iron) targets would then sound through and give me an idea in disc what they might be tone or ID wise, but if I moved the coil just a little off center, due to the extremely bad microscopic iron, black sand, and minerals, the signal would go completely dead.
That right there is reason enough to hunt in PP, even if you don't want to dig any deep stuff disc can't see. Just center over it, flip to disc, wiggle, and if it don't sound off then walk on. But, does it sound shallow enough *for that particular beach or even land site*, that disc should be able to hear it if you are centered right over it in that respect? If it doesn't then it's iron probably, but if it sounds deeper than disc probably can see *for that particular site*, as all sites are different as to the depths disc can achieve, then it could be a deeper non-ferrous target that disc just can't see.
And remember, these depths change depending on site. At this particular mineralized beach, coins only 5 or so inches deep were either choking badly, nulling out, or not even changing the threshold at all. And again, I didn't even have to raise volume to full or sensitivity higher than what was stable for disc. It was the minerals that PP could cut through that made the difference, not the depth.
I was in a mood for a while, since targets were so numerous, to just center right over them with PP and then flip to disc and wiggle. Many times I could at least get a broken response because I was right over it, so then those are the ones I would dig. But, if I hadn't found it with PP, chances are I would have never seen that target in disc, because unless I got right over it and wiggled, I'd simply get no response. Some of them I'd do a long general "hunting for my next target" over before digging, and disc simply would not alert me to them.
There are many ways PP can be used. Reverse disc hunting to cover a beach faster, and then flipping to disc and if it doesn't sound off moving on. Using the "get right over it and wiggle in disc" thing, and if it don't sound off moving on. Or, and this one I like best...Hunting in PP and only going after the deepest of whispers, because now you are getting down where heavy gold rings might sink to. All depends on the beach. Is it all "fluff" stuff at shallower depths like foil and tabs? Then avoid that level of light stuff and look for the deep whispers.
Think of doing that on land as well, when you want to get past modern coins and modern trash (like say tabs and foil which came out around 1965), and only dig the super deep stuff. Time travel past the trash by using depth as your ally in PP, and also you are probably going deeper than any machine has before at such a land site. This one I plan to use a lot this year, at land sites I know should hold (based on soil type), some very deep old coins. But don't let the soil type fool you, one of my deepest coin sites is full of limestone clay, yet it has got so swampy in the past that I guess those coins sank right through the stuff. And it ain't fill either...
One more tip- Do you ever hit a really bad section of beach where the black sand has concentrated right on top of the sand? When that happens, even BBS will go bonkers with false coin hits like you are sweeping over sheet metal. Flip to PP mode. I've done this. It helps. Any hits that you hear, and you will still get falses when it's this bad with black sand with a almost solid layer of it, sweep over them and see how broad they are. If they are broad then it's the black sand, but if you can get a tight response then smile before you dig, because I can almost bet no other machine out there has dared trying to work that stuff...
Here's a pictorial video I did contrasting PP and disc in an air test, along with full versus lowest volume and it's effect on the GT in both modes. Doing this, using a ruler in the foreground of the camera to precisely measure things, really helped open my eyes to the whole debate on PP vs Disc, of which I was on the other side of that debate for a while...