Jerry aka tinfoil,
2 things:
I experienced a problem with the connector at the control box end of the pocket uniprobe. The connector was not assembled properly.
I thought there was something odd with the probe as it did not perform as per instructions consistently.
After using the probe for a short time, 2 months, I nearly sent it back.
Given the fact that i am here in a pretty distant part of the world and also that the connector used to be a standard for networking PC cards , I looked at it and fixed it myself.
The uniprobe worked absolutely a treat. I love it.
Wireless pocket uniprobe.
I purchased a fairly inexpensive blue tooth send/receive kit and plug the transmitter part into the output of the uniprobe and use a single ear piece that I can place either side and inside of my headphones. I do this when I do not want anyone to hear what I can.
If I'm not bothered if this happens , then I simply use a small speaker coming from the blue tooth receiver. I've actually covered the speaker holes on the uniprobe up with tape.
Doing as I have , I get to keep the pocket uniprobe original and intact, only now, it's wireless and a sort of in line audio probe.
I keep the uniprobe attached to which ever detector I choose to us it with. Less wires to worry about from the body to the detector. I'm also experimenting with a wrist or fore or upper arm holster for the probe.
This setup might have even worked with a miniature FM transceiver system but I'm happy with blue-tooth
I'm sorry to hear that you have had a problem experience with the uniprobe. I guess I would have been a little more discreet about bagging the product so publically, given that it was more a problem with assembly that gave it that one weak point. Purely human error in assembly. It was not a life threatening stuation for me and i knoew the problem would eventually be corrected. I overlooked this one mis-giving and prefer to say that the uniprobe is a fabulous device that I have found I have had a lot of use from. I have finally realised that, there are very few probes out there that are not in line probes that can compare in the pocket uniprobe's slimline handling and it's performance in finding a target at a respectable depth given the diameter size of it's probe coil.
Take care
David Di
Hard Nosed Dave