I was like you, didn't know if I needed one or not. So I decided not to invest too much money in one and since my eyes ain't what they used to be I started looking around for one. I decided on the Wizard Vib Probe mainly because of price ($37.95 plus s&h from mytoolstore.com). I found I really liked it except for having to roll the little thumbwheel to turn it on and set the threshold each time I used it. It didn't take many times doing that with a dirty thumb, until the screw came out of the thumwheel and it came loose. Well, then I had to tear into it.
Now the Vibe Probe looks like a toy gun and it has a trigger on it for turning on an LED for searching in lo light. Well I never used the LED, so I got to examining the layout of the Vib Probe and I saw that I could modify it in such a way that the trigger could be used to turn the probe on, not the LED. By cutting the black wire from the battery, soldering it to one side of the trigger switch, and cutting one lead of the LED, so it wouldn't stay on all time, the Vib Probe is now the perfect pinpointer. Now, all I do is pull the trigger to turn power on. While holding the trigger, I set the threshold one time and it is ready to go. Now I just pull it from its holster pull the trigger and start pinpointing! It works great.
Now it won't go 2 or 3 inches. But to me that's not what I needed a pinpointer to do. I have a metal detector for that. It helps me find what I have already removed from the hole, and helps me find what's in the hole along the sides, because it is off of center a little because my metal detector was fooled because of the objects' orientation in the ground.
This may not be the deepest seeking pinpointer out there. All I have to compare to it is my friend's AutoMax. The Vib Probe works as well, if not better, and is a lot easier to carry on your belt. I use a clip on cell phone holster to hold mine. Don't even know its there, but I sure reach for it alot. It works for me.
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