I bought 5 Pinpointers in addition to my primary-use Makro Pointer in Oct. / Nov.to evaluate them all for:
#1.. EMI
#2.. Performance
I am keeping my XP MI-6 for use with my ORX.
I sold a black Garrett Pro Pointer.
I have a brand new orange Garrett Pro Pointer AT w/Z-Link capability and new Teknetics Tek-Point left to sell.
Staying on my gear belt is by Makro Pointer and my 'back-up' is the Nokta / Makro Pulse-Dive Pinpointer.
I used all pinpointers with every detector I use and a couple I've let go and when I set my Simplex + down, and have the pinpointers about 18" from the system box, and the coil positioned away from me and perhaps 3' from the Pinpointers, there is no EMI issue. I changed up my steps when I kneel down for target recovery. I am right-handed and have my cane in the left hand. Upon isolating the target, I kneel down on my left knee, lay my cane down, then 90% of the tim I reach over with my left hand and grab the detector rod closer to the hand-grip, take my right arm out of the arm-cup and strap, then set the detector on my left side. That has the search coil behind me and farther from where I'll be using the Pinpointer. Otherwise, I just set the detector down off to my right with the coil ahead of me and still facing away from where I use the Pinpointer. I also use the Pinpointer only with my right hand.
The Makro Pointer works at 11.[size=small]6[/size] kHz and, if I recall, the Pulse-Dive Pinpointer is about 3 kHz. I'd have to double check but my aging memory recalls that number.